by PJColando | Jan 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
Last year I flew to Indiana twice. One time the air travel was bumpy. The other time it was not. Interestingly, the first trip went smoothly, serenely between the plane there and the plane ride back… Conversely, the second trip’s air miles were smooth,...
by PJColando | Jan 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
New Year’s Resolutions, Version 1.0 – here goes nothing (wink-wink) Last year I flew to Indiana twice. One time the travel was bumpy. The other time it was not. Interestingly, the first trip went smoothly, serenely between the plane there and the plane...
by PJColando | Dec 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
I awaken at o-dark-thirty, yanked out of snore by overly frisky music. Aargh, I set my clock radio alarm last night, but somehow the dial got scrambled, and it’s not what I’d expected after the Madonna dance in my dreams. I stab the music off and slog through the...
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